Humaari Vatika

हमारी वाटिका

Reviving Forests and Rebuilding Our Bond with Nature Through Community-Driven Tree Planting and Sustainability.

Restoring the Bond with Nature: Community-Driven Solution

“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.” — Mahatma Gandhi.

The World Economic Forum and other reports indicate that deforestation has contributed to 90% of the world’s population breathing polluted air, resulting in severe health issues such as respiratory diseases, nerve and organ damage, and lung cancer. For generations, humanity viewed Earth as one big family, where every tree, creature, and person held a unique and respected place. However, the past 200 years of rapid deforestation and wildlife loss have accelerated global warming and eroded the deep, symbiotic relationship between humans and nature. We stand at a crucial juncture where we must reconnect with the reverence and care our ancestors had for the environment and work towards healing this bond.

    The forests, once our partners in sustaining life, are now a reflection of our neglect. To rebuild this broken relationship, we must engage with our communities, remembering the wisdom of our ancestors, and take collective action to restore and protect our natural world.


    Our Approach

    The "Grow Your Own Food and Tree Plantation" initiative is a community-driven approach to the pressing issues of deforestation and sustainability. This program brings together local administration and communities to unlock the true potential of a sustainable environment. It adopts a three-pronged approach, empowering local communities to engage, plant, and actively participate in the maintenance of the planted saplings.

    A Transformative Journey:

    • Community Engagement: The initiative begins by raising awareness and educating local communities on the importance of tree planting and sustainable living practices.
    • Tree Plantation: The initiative involves planting native trees in rural and urban areas. These trees help restore the natural ecosystem, provide habitat for wildlife, and contribute to cleaner air and water.
    • Monitoring & Maintenance: To ensure the long-term health of the planted trees, we collaborate with local communities and authorities in monitoring and maintaining the saplings. This hands-on involvement fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility, ensuring the sustainability of the project.

    Impact to date

    • Native Saplings Planted


      Native Saplings Planted

    • Partnerships with Gram Panchayats and Government Schools


      Partnerships with Gram Panchayats and Government Schools

    • Community Kitchen Gardens Established and Sustained


      Community Kitchen Gardens Established and Sustained