

Millions of children from economically weaker sections dream of a poverty-free, empowered future through education.

Unveiling And Addressing The Foundational Literacy And Numeracy Gap

Millions of children who come from economically weaker sections and their families put faith in the education system to realize their dream of a poverty-free, empowered future. This dream is shattered at the early stages of education itself when various socio-economic reasons halt their learning curve, leaving them behind in acquiring the required Foundational Literacy & Numeracy Skills.

  • The UNESCO GEM report highlights significant disparities in reading and writing skills between students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers.
  • The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 emphasizes that students should acquire foundational literacy and numeracy skills by the end of Grade 3. But our assessments across various formal/non-formal spaces reveal that more than a third of fifth-grade students struggle with basic word interpretation and simple numerical operations.
  • EAC-PM and Institute of Competitiveness Findings also indicate huge regional disparities in Foundation Literacy and Numeracy Outcomes between a handful of states and rest of the country.

Foundational Literacy and Numeracy is not just a concept for educationalists but the most crucial tool to empower children, helping them build the necessary skills and confidence to realize their potential and dreams. With well-thought-out interventions, executed at the right time and with targeted support, we can ensure equitable and quality education for all young learners.


Our Approach

In November 2012, our team initiated the Paathshala Program in Chandigarh urban slum, addressing the unique challenges faced by children in this environment. What started as a local initiative, through children’s context, household problems, school environment and regular feedbacks has grown into a transformative educational model.

A Transformative Journey:

  • Grassroot Beginnings: Originated in Chandigarh urban slum, addressing the specific needs of children in challenging environments.
  • Innovative Approach: Utilizes a comprehensive five-step strategy to bridge educational gaps and empower students to achieve their full potential.
  • Expanding Impact: Since 2017, Paathshala has expanded to over 100 government schools across Chandigarh, in partnership with the Chandigarh Education Department, directly benefiting thousands of students.
  • Focus on FLN Skills: Prioritizes foundational literacy and numeracy for students in grades 3-5, offering tailored support based on their actual learning levels.

Impact to date

  • Children Benefited


    Children Benefited

  • Teachers & Volunteers Enabled


    Teachers & Volunteers Enabled

  • Schools & Community Centers Empowered


    Schools & Community Centers Empowered

  • FLN Learning Improvement Observed in Children

    upto 70%

    FLN Learning Improvement Observed in Children